Friday 21 February 2014

A holiday (from myself?)

This week is half-term here so I haven't been working. (last week was a wash-out workwise too with poorly children so if I owe you an email please be gentle with me!)

I have been feeling a little dried up creatively lately. Work has been feeling like a chore rather than the fun escape it can be. Something needs to give. So I am trying to take things slowly, prune back the time sucks and things I don't enjoy nor make much money and generally get my mojo back.

I decided to give my sewing machine a little love and slowly ease myself back into it. I sewed a lot in my early twenties and sporadically throughout my life.

I started out with the box bag tutorial from Truly Myrtle

and made a really large one as a project bag using two fat quarters (almost exactly - make it 12" long, 5" deep and 5" wide using an 18" zip if you don't want to redo the maths I did)

It was so thoroughly satisfying and quick to achieve. I knocked up an unlined pencil case using a piece of leather I had .

I am a huge fan of zippy bags so these are perfect and I suspect I shall be making more.

(And no the vintage singer is not just a prop, its actually what I use. Its a treadle and I find them so much more relaxing than an electric machine)

A little rest seems to be doing the trick.

Apologies for the unscheduled UNDESIGN of the blog. I am busy having a makeover and will be moving to my own hosted home on the web very soon. I broke this blog as part of the move and have neither time nor energy to fix it. The wonderful Julia of PixelFrau is working away on my new site for me so I hope to be unveiling it very soon)


  1. Hi there, read your post via knitnrun4sanity. Hope you're feeling a bit better after a bit of sewing. I find it a great healer too. would like to follow you but can't find out how!

    1. Hi, can't email you as you are noreply. I'm on twitter, facebook bloglovin and instagrsm as notsogranny. I did have links but alas they have all died in the undesign.

    2. Hi, can't email you as you are noreply. I'm on twitter, facebook bloglovin and instagrsm as notsogranny. I did have links but alas they have all died in the undesign.

  2. Bloody good show, still putting time to good use. That bag is gorgeous and you've inspired me to make one (or try at least).


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